Remember when you only had six orchids in your collection and you could
water them all at once in the sink? It took only five minutes. Remember
that? It’s a fading memory for me, too. I've graduated from the sink to
the bathtub, and I've used various empty fish tanks to accomplish my
watering goals. But no more! My fantastic father-in-law swooped in from
Forks, Washington and installed a deep, two-tub, sink in the orchid
room. Normally a chore that takes several hours, I was able to water all
of my plants today in about twenty minutes. I put the orchids in the
tub, turned on the water, and set them back to dry. Amazing! I'm also
able to fill the humidifier without leaving the room to fetch water.
That’s huge. I fill the humidifier everyday from September to
April, and not having to leave the room to fill it up is a major

Oh, and Randy also remodeled the bathroom: removed the tub and sink,
tore up the floor, and replaced everything. New mirror. New cabinets.
New light. The crazy thing is that it only took 72 hours and one or two
trips to the hardware store (I might be exaggerating the low number of
hardware store trips). Seriously, it was like one of those house
remodeling shows.
The new bathroom is awesome, Lan Lan loves the new faucet, but have I
told you about the sink in the orchid room? I have? Sorry. I'm just
My advice? Boys, when you grow up, make sure that the woman or man you
married has a father who is a general contractor, expert woodworker, and overall awesome dude.